Tuesday 12 August 2008

What Does it all Mean?

I had a strange dream last night. All I remember is that I was in a futuristic airport, with many towering levels and glass walls. I felt a slight craving for milkshake (as I do often) so I went to a small shop off to the side. After examining the shelves, I saw that the only thing close to milkshake that they stocked was a milky energy drink, and what was stranger was that it was xkcd themed. Perplexed, I chose a drink from three colours available - yellow, pink and baby blue. I chose the blue and headed for the counter. Behind the counter were two members of staff; a slim, young, handsome Asian man with spiky hair and a chubby but cute woman with glasses. I handed the drink to the woman and gave her my money, explaining that I only bought it because I wanted a milkshake. The Asian man overheard this and turned to me, saying "so you're not an xkcd fan?" I told him I was, but I was still surprised that it had an energy drink named after it. I left the store and took a sip of the drink. It tasted disgusting.

So, what are your dreams like. Remember them much? Ever tasted something in a dream and still had the taste in your mouth when you woke up?


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