Thursday, 11 June 2009

Nasty Business, Really...

This is the title screen of a new game I'm working on with Game Maker. People complained (truthfully, I'll admit) that I never finish any of my projects, so I decided to make a short game based on a simple idea that wouldn't present too many challenges to make. As soon as I decided on my idea, I couldn't wait to finish. I seldom feel this motivated by a project, so you can actually expect to see this completed someday. With my exams all over next week, I've got a long time to work on this, so with a bit of luck it might be done by the end of July.

In case you're wondering who the heck Del Preston is, and why he deserves his own video game, I'll give you a piece of advice that I give to pretty much everyone: watch the Wayne's World films.

If you don't have time for that, then at least watch this:

The story of my game is entirely based around that heroic and heart-warming tale.

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