Tuesday 29 July 2008

Angst and Internet Dating

Read this.

Done? Okay.

Funny how when you look at the Maths of something, anything, it always seems a lot more bleak and frightening than it did before. Way to go, Maths.

I think a lot of blokes out there would benefit from seeing that, though. It makes me wonder how people even used to survive without the Internet. Has it raised our romantic standards, now that we have millions more potential dates? Do we rely more on personalities for first impressions, and exchange pictures afterwards? Is the time spent composing an e-mail a way of arranging and perfecting a message of our true feelings, or is instinctive, spontaneous speech the only way to convey our emotions without concealing anything? I find myself to be much more open to people on the Internet - even when talking to people I know in the real world. But I can also lie a whole lot more easily.

Is it good to fabricate a fa
çade of sorts - to engineer our ideal personality, and fall in love with people's fantasies instead of their real, boring selves? Perhaps knowing someone's ambitions from the start would mean a relationship with no nasty surprises. But if we can build an alter-ego on the Internet, could we simply trap gullible fools in our web of lies?

In truth, things are rarely extreme positives or negatives. There is no black or white, only so many shades of grey - or maybe some other colour, who knows? My point is, my questions have no real answers and are thus a little pointless. The Internet has done a little evil and a little good. I like to think it's a tad more of the latter. Like any revolution, it causes harmony and controversy, pleasure and pain, joy and sadness. Which leads me nicely back to the topic of Mathematics.

If you read that link, you'll have seen how hopeless our chances of falling in love are. One blind date every week, and it would still take 67 years to find an ideal girl.

But do you know what would be worse than going 67 years without a girlfriend? Finding the most perfect girl in the whole world only to have her march off with someone better and more attractive than I am. That would be pretty lame.

... I'm sorry, I'm just being a bitch.


Anonymous said...

This was a pretty interesting read. I've had similar thoughts myself, at times. Usually I just end them with "ah, fuck it", though :) Math tends to put an interesting new angle on things, really. Maybe that's why I like it so much.

Anonymous said...

This whole entry was kind of an "ah, fuck it", really. I wouldn't say Maths puts a new angle on something, it just reveals things as they really are.